Every child deserves to have a safe and loving home, where they can experience all that life has to offer and fulfil their potential.
Foster care is at crisis point. West Sussex County Council (WSCC) is facing the lowest number of fostering enquiries in six years, while the number of children and young people coming into care has never been higher – exceeding 940 in December 2024 for the first time ever.
While the children that West Sussex County Council cares for are all in safe accommodation, a number are living a significant distance from their school and friends. 66% of these young people are aged 11 to 17 and they are waiting to find a local foster family – someone like you – to guide them through this important time in their lives.
To help highlight this urgent need, members of the council’s Fostering Service team and several local Foster Carers will be taking part in the Bognor Prom 10k. Among the runners will be Kelly Wilkes, Head of the Fostering and Kinship Service at West Sussex County Council.
Kelly said: “I am delighted Fostering West Sussex is sponsoring the Bognor Prom 10k in May 2025. This is an event I have enjoyed participating in over the years for various local causes, but in 2025 I am pleased to have the opportunity to shine a light on the need for Foster Carers in our community.
“I hope that our presence will encourage spectators and runners to take a moment to consider whether caring for a child in need of a home is something they could offer. Perhaps the run up and down the seafront will give space for a moment or two of reflection! The last time I ran I was in much better shape than I am today, but I am looking forward to lacing up my trainers and wearing our fostering shirt with pride! We look forward to having some good conversations on the day, busting myths and answering questions!”
There are many types of care, from respite (usually one weekend a month) to Supported Lodgings, where you can help a young person aged 16-21 learn the skills needed to live independently.
Foster carers for WSCC receive comprehensive training, ongoing professional support and a competitive financial package of up to £31,338 per year, per child.
One WSCC foster carer, James, stated, “To be the first person to give a child hope, or care, or love… is the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life”.
Could you open your heart and home to a local child? Please speak to a member of the Fostering West Sussex team on race day (wearing bright pink tops!) or visit www.fosteringwestsussex.org.uk